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Information Guideline & Rules

School terms:

The academic year is from 1st April to 31st March. It is divided into two terms

Autumn Term

1st April to 30th September 

Spring Term

1st October Vacation to 31st March


Parents and Guardians will appreciate that absence during term is not in students' best interest. Leave of absence to students can be granted only for: (A) Serious Illness; (B) Death of a blood relation; and (C) Marriage of blood relation. Application for such leave whenever possible should be made in advance by the parent or guardian

Parent’s day:

Parents and guardians are allowed to visit their children on the Parents' Days only.

Visiting hours on these days are: 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.


Boarder Fee is payable in two equal installments term-wise in advance on 1st April and 1st October. Day Boarder Fee is to be paid quarterly on first day of each qurter. FEE ONCE PAID IS NOT REFUNDABLE.


Parents intending to withdraw their children should give notice of withdrawal on or before 31st March, failing which the parent will be required to pay fees for the entire year plus whatever has already become due for the period.

Medical inspection:

Medical Inspection of all students is conducted on arrival at the school after holidays, leave and vacations. Please do not send your child to school if he/she is not well, especially, when he/she is suffering from infectious diseases. Please send an application for leave along with medical certificate of illness in such cases.


Parents are requested not to contact the children on phone unless there is an emergency. They can convey the message only. Parents should write only postcards to their wards. Sealed envelopes will not be delivered to the students. Students will write to their parents every week. Parents are requested to provide self addressed postcards, 18 in number, to their wards.

Vacation assignments:

The teachers will give home assignments to students in all subjects before summer and Diwali vacations. The student must finish the tasks during their vacation and also prepare themselves fully for examinations which commence soon after reopening.

Vacations, breaks & holidays:

Summer Vacation 045 days
Rakhi Break 08 days
Diwali Vacation 28 days
Uttarayan Break 08 days
Educational tours are 10 -12 days educational tour is organized every year in the Diwali vacation. Only 70 students on first come - first - serve basis from classes IV to XII are taken for this tour. Class - wise picnics, short excursion, trekking and hikes are organized on Sundays. It is compulsory for the students to join these picnics and excursions. The actual expenditure incurred on these picnics, excursions is debited to the students' accounts.

Cash & valuables:

Students are not allowed to keep camera, transistor radio, walkman, tape recorder, gold ornaments or other valuable articles with them in the dormitories. Cash and valuables, if found with the students, shall be confiscated. However if the parents wish, they may deposit cash and camera in the school office under receipt. The student may take the camera or cash while going on picnics, excursions etc.

Text books:

Text books and stationery are issued to the students from the school. If the students of classes K. G., I, II, III damage or lose the books or stationery, new ones are issued to them again but students of classes IV to XII are expected to maintain the books and stationery properly. If they damage or lose the books, they shall be given new books and stationery on payment only. In view of the tests to be held just after vacations, the students are allowed to carry books and notebooks with them to their homes. If some of the books issued to the students are not in good conditions, it should be brought to notice of their respective class teachers.


The main mission behind opening of the school by His Holiness Param Sant Thakar Singhji Maharaj was to introduce self - realization in the children through meditation. Simple procedures of light and sound meditations are taught to the students. Meditation is compulsory for all classes. No relaxation will be given on this and defaulters will be severely dealt with. Stern disciplinary actions (including expulsion from the school) will be taken against defaulters. When the students are at home for vacation or break, they should continue their meditation routine without failing even for a day.

For K.G 1:

Only 40 seats are available.
Limited seats available in KG II, and standard I to IX & XI. Spot-admission on first-come-first-serve basis in KG to VIII. No direct admission in class X & XII. Admission are given on the basis of written test and interview for IX & XI.

Contact Us

Contact numbers

+91 97377 32128

+91 94293 66471

Email Address


N.H. No. 48, P.O. Kandari - 391210Tal. Karjan, Dist. Baroda,Gujarat, India.

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